Dragon ball z legend of z characters
Dragon ball z legend of z characters

dragon ball z legend of z characters

Just then, the mommy monkey and the baby monkey holding the Dragon Ball swing by. Silver threatens to kill Goku in a mock-introductory tone, but Goku stands firm and says he is not afraid of Silver. Goku then recognized Silver as being the one who attacked the Ox-King. Colonel Silver and one of his soldiers soon show up. Nearby, having apparently defeated the soldiers who attacked him, Goku proceeds to crush a tank with a giant rock. While the battle occurs, Silver asks his men about their progress in finding the Dragon Ball, to which they answer negatively. They eventually discover that the monkeys have it, and are ordered by Colonel Silver to burn the forest and shoot the monkeys. Silver then tells the soldiers to have the area searched, stating he doesn't care if they burn the forest or dig it up so long as they find him the Dragon Ball. Meanwhile, the Red Ribbon Army is looking for the same ball. Goku wakes up and sees on the Dragon Radar that the Dragon Ball is moving away. The "Original Dragon Ball" as shown during Roshi's story Krillin correctly suspects that Roshi would wish for something perverted. Roshi states that he wouldn't wish for anything, but secretly think about how he would wish to see Launch's panties. Launch then asks if Roshi wanted a new turtle shell, a bigger island, or even world peace and happiness. Roshi then wonders what he could wish for. After the story, they talk about what they would wish for. Angered, the Gods split it into 7 separate orbs. However, its wish-granting power led to men waging wars out of greed. It used to be a single giant orb, created by the Gods. Later, when they are eating, Master Roshi tells Krillin and Launch the legend of the Dragon Balls. Meanwhile, Krillin is training with Master Roshi, doing push-ups with 2 turtles and the Turtle Hermit sitting on his back. Silver then agreed and that he's pleased to serve the Red Ribbon Army, with Red stating he shall serve it. He then told Silver that he had what it took to get far in the Red Ribbon Army, citing that nothing succeeds like excess. Afterward, Red praises his quick reflexes and unflinching nerve, citing that the last person to walk into the door lost an eye, with Red stating that said individual is "no longer with us" (implying that he had the soldier executed for failing to dodge the cat). Silver is then called over to the leader of the Red Ribbon Army, Commander Red's office, where upon entry, Red proceeds to sic his pet cat on him, with Silver dodging him quickly enough to only leave a minor scratch on his cheek. Upon defeating them effortlessly, he was congratulated by his peers, while Silver admits he was hoping for more of a challenge.

Dragon ball z legend of z characters professional#

While he is asleep, the monkeys find the Five-Star Dragon Ball up in a tree and start playing catch with it.Īt the Red Ribbon Army Headquarters, Colonel Silver, as "training", proceeded to fight four professional boxers at a time. Then all the monkeys come and give Goku food. The baby monkey falls out of the tree, and when the mommy monkey is helping it, a panther attacks, but Goku beats it up.

dragon ball z legend of z characters dragon ball z legend of z characters

He chases the monkey but stops when he sees her give it to her baby. He is flying over a forest and gets hungry, so he decides to look for a "snack tree." He finds a piece of fruit, but a monkey takes it before he can. Goku wakes up and begins looking for the Dragon Balls again. Silver while defeating professional boxers

Dragon ball z legend of z characters